31 Daily August Lettering Prompts [+ FREE WORKSHEETS]

This month's lettering prompts, practice sheets and style suggestions are in!

And thank goodness August is finally here... Porch swings, bonfires, sweet tea - not to mention World Calligraphy Day!! August is just a month worth noticing. 

Take your hand lettering outside with you outside! Practice on a picnic blanket or poolside. Practice has never sounded so nice. This challenge is your sign to make practice fit into your life, however, that looks.

We're Jordan and Jillian, the twin sisters behind Loveleigh Loops. We're so glad that you joined us to try these daily August hand lettering prompts.

Let's get right into it so you can create something beautiful!

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August lettering prompts Pinterest image

>> Learn how to write August in calligraphy with our tutorial of the month <<

Table of Contents

    31 August Hand Lettering Prompts

    Still new to hand lettering? Is this your first day trying calligraphy? Or are you a seasoned professional that dreams in flourishes, but you're looking to make practice fun again?

    You're in the right place — this challenge is for everyone. Just write the word or phrase of each day using any lettering style of your choice. You can commit to one style for the whole month, or change based on your mood.

    Just imagine how much progress you're going to see in 31 days!! Here are the August prompts:

    1. Hello, August

    2. Out of office

    3. Watermelon slices (National Watermelon Day, August 3rd)

    4. Sizzling

    5. Carefree

    6. Popsicles

    7. Lemonade

    8. Long days, short nights

    9. Just peachy

    10. Garage sale (National Garage Sale Day, August 10th)

    11. Fresh-picked berries

    12. Farmer's market

    13. Sandcastles

    14. World Calligraphy Day (World Calligraphy Day, August 14, 2024)

    15. Poppy

    16. Roller coaster (National Roller Coaster Day, August 16th)

    17. Seashells

    18. Bonfires

    19. Summer soirée

    20. Bug spray (World Mosquito Day, August 20th)

    21. Sunbathing

    22. Hazy days

    23. Iced tea

    24. Blissful

    25. Almost school time

    26. Backpack

    27. Camping

    28. Stargazing

    29. Water balloons

    30. A summer to remember

    31. Final summer days

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    August Lettering Styles And Tools

    You’re encouraged to practice with any style or tool, but for anyone looking for a challenge or some inspiration, these suggestions have you covered :)

    Copperplate With A Pointed Pen

    Yes, just normal Copperplate! No flourishes. No glow-in-the-dark ink (we don't have any of that anyway, but now we kind of want some). Just the humble pointed pen and the beloved Copperplate style deserves to be revisited from time to time.

    Fun fact: Copperplate is the foundation for most modern calligraphy scripts.

    World Calligraphy Day, prompt #14

    World Calligraphy Day, prompt #14


    If you're new to Copperplate, learn how to get started with our beginner Copperplate guide.

    Blended Brush Pens

    We featured brush pen blending in our June challenge too, but it looked TOTALLY different! We love how versatile these tools and styles are.

    We created these blends in different ways - you can learn them in our written blending tutorial or by watching our viral blending tutorial on YouTube. Be warned though - the sound has caused a huuuuge debate between listeners. Do you love or hate the squeaky sound of a brush pen??

    Hello August, prompt #1

    Hello August, prompt #1

    Stargaze, prompt #27

    Stargaze, prompt #27

    Looking to learn modern calligraphy? Read our comprehensive guide:

    Color-Changing iPad Lettering

    Have you tried lettering on your iPad? It's very convenient to learn modern calligraphy (or even traditional scripts) digitally, especially when you use our color-changing brush.

    In the Procreate App, you pick two colors; one for light pressure (upstrokes) and one for hard pressure (downstrokes). This creates beautiful compositions and also helps you learn pressure control by making your movements more visual.

    Learn more about strokes in our basic strokes tutorial.

    Long days, short nights, prompt #8

    Long days, short nights, prompt #8


    Download the Procreate brush here:

    August Project Ideas

    Want some inspiration to help push your lettering practice further? If you're a more advanced calligrapher and are ready to move beyond basic letter shapes, use these ideas to help you develop your compositions.

    • Style: Notice stylistic changes in the day from dewy dawn to blazing hot afternoons to chilly star-filled nights  

    • Line: Line plays all around us in boardwalks, umbrella curves and dancing whisps of bonfire flames 

    • Balance: Physical balance takes place on boogie boards and bicycles; emotional balance happens when transitioning from summer back into school/autumn

    Looking for practice applications? Consider sending a hand-written letter, making custom decals for Cricut projects or making a summer journal.

    Iced tea, prompt #23

    Iced tea, prompt #23


    Free Practice Sheets

    With each month's lettering prompts, we highlight free practice sheets from our free library. Sign up to get instant access to any of these practice resources for no additional cost!

    This month, we're highlighting these freebies:

    • Faux calligraphy course: Get free worksheets and video training teaching faux calligraphy, a fun beginner-level hand lettering style

    • Procreate App (iPad) tracing sheets: Along with our free Procreate brush that we mentioned above, you also get many traceable worksheets that will help you get acquainted with the brush.

    • Stylized Mr. And Mrs.: Sending invitations out anytime soon? Practice on our stylized Mr. and Mrs. traceable worksheets.

    We have hundreds (probably thousands!) of practice resources to help you master the art of calligraphy. Browse or worksheet library, search through our YouTube tutorials or try one of our popular online courses.

    Bonfires, prompt #18

    Bonfires, prompt #18


    Next Steps

    Will you join us in practicing these August hand lettering prompts? We hope that you'll make yourself at home here at Loveleigh Loops and become a member of our lettering community!

    Jump into our August tutorial:

    Or browse our other hand lettering challenges: